Fitting in is overrated. I want to know your story. So does everyone else. Stories connect us, inspire us, and make us really want to meet a certain Tiny Chef (dang that guy is busy). Coloring within the lines can take you far, but stretching your color to the edge can create a masterpiece. I can unify your company's voice to help people connect, and then together we can stretch out and be bold. Forget trying to fit in. Sharing experiences can change lives. I will compose your website content, newsletters, posts, or speech, and then update your blog. I hear your voice, and I write it all down. Create with Amber.
Event Planning.
Connect with your community. I believe every company is vividly unique. I can help you draw in those people that will find what you provide, priceless. Together we work to find what you want to achieve, actualize that certain something that sets you apart, and create a soirée that will generate new opportunities to drive your business. From a unique fundraiser, to a client mixer, I coordinate and facilitate your evening so you have the time to present your gift to the world. Party with Amber.
Research + Dramaturgy.
Information is the key to clarity in a script. Working in the theatre for more than 20+ years, I have obtained a cache of valuable knowledge that can help make your production layered, and unique. Relevant information can help your production team or audience get the most out of your story. I create packets to thread information, history, and context through your work of art. I work with playwrights to help gain clarity throughout scripts and new works, and can serve as script reader, dramaturg, directorial assistant, or advisor on your works-in-progress. Research with Amber.
Voice Over.
A voice brings text to life. A warm, friendly, conversational voice that can be enhanced with a dash of enthusiasm, compassion, or sarcasm - my voice is suited for a wide range of commercials, documentaries, narrations, and industrials. Picture your copy spoken by a busy, confident mom; the sister with the positive advice; or the best friend who can tell it like it is. I love working with your direction and offering creative options to make your project outstanding.
Articulate with Amber.
Articulate with Amber.